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Sarah Jacobson
Head of School
Holly Ziemer
Assistant Head of School Head of Upper School
Ashley Beuligmann
Director of Finance
Amanda Bultemeier
Director of Institutional Advancement
Lauren Barker
Assistant Director of Institutional Advancement
Karen Chatmon
Director of Admission
Sarah Brooks
Athletic Director & Director of Student Life
Carla Englebright
Head of School Executive Assistant and Admissions Assistant
Angela Craft
Middle School Division Head
Mackenzie Gehlhausen
Director of College Counseling


Kelly McCandless
Head of Primary School
Melissa Barber
Junior Pre-Kindergarten
Clinton Bosler
US Fine Arts
Ashley Chamness
K-6 Technology
Megan Collins
First Grade
Jess Crowley
PS SEL/Library
Lynda Cummings
PS Team Teacher
Laura D'alto
Music & Performing Arts
Betsy Dailey
PS Fine Arts
Meredith Dougherty
Fourth Grade
Alice Galbreath
Junior Pre-Kindergarten
Anna Gergely
Anna Gergely
Global Languages
Mary Jane Gibson
MS SEL Coordinator
Christina Gilliam
Stephen Greenwell
Instrumental Music
Caitlyn Hummel
MS Spanish
Amanda Jennings
US Humanities
Ashley Lampert
US Spanish
Jennifer Luttrull
Third Grade
Krista Meyer
US Mathematics
Ashley Moran
US Sciences
Bailey Navarrete
MS Mathematics
Clint Omohundro
US Humanities
Joy Pajdo
US Health & Computer Science
Tia Rogers
Second Grade
Jill Scott
Thomas Ward
US Mathematics
Amy Whetstone
MS Sciences
Laura Winters
Desi Wisser
Trey Wornica
Physical Education
Emily Zinn
MS Humanities


Laura Arrick
Youth First Social Worker
Patty Craft
Middle School After Care
Nancy Grayson
Before & After Care Coordinator
David Johnson
Facilities Manager
Tyler McDowell
Director of Technology
Sara Simpson
Finance Office Assistant
Anna Vance
School Nurse