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News & Announcements

EDS Student’s Drone Film Selected for International Film Festival

  Evansville Day School celebrates the success of one of its own, 3rd-grader Louisa Royer. Louisa embarked on a family trip to Romania and Hungary, guided by Evansville Day School’s Spanish teacher, Anna Gergely, this Summer. During this journey, which also included Dr. Soi Powell, a recently retired EDS science teacher, Louisa captured drone footage of Budapest’s landmarks, the quaint villages of Transylvania, and the bustling cities of Romania...

Freedom to Grow: More than a High School

Marketing and communications intern Megan Risewick is a junior at EDS, and she has been an Eagle since seventh grade. She is passionate about promoting the Upper School and building its social media presence. She is also an active member of our Student Leadership Council, academic bowl, cross country, track, and cheer teams.    When I started at EDS nearly five years ago, I was fairly aware of the things that set the school apart. We had smaller...

Making Our Mark: Class of 2027’s St. Louis Trip

In October, the current 8th grade class of 2027 went on an overnight field trip to St. Louis, which was a lot of fun and an important experience for the entire class.   On Tuesday, October 18th, we arrived at school as normal, went over expectations and ground rules, and by 8:45, we were on our assigned buses and on our way to St. Louis. As soon as we got there, we headed to the famous Arch to eat lunch and take pictures. Then we could walk part...

EDS Announces Two Lilly Endowment Scholarship Recipients and First Alternate

Evansville Day School announces that two of their seniors, Marshall Craft and Tyler Myers, have been selected as 2023 recipients of the Vanderburgh County Lilly Endowment Community Scholarships. In addition, senior Shriya Naraya was selected as the 2023 first alternate. “Only ten finalists are selected from all the seniors in Vanderburgh County annually, and we are beyond proud to have three of the ten finalists at our school. Each of these...

3 Things Student Leadership Council Has Taught Me

  Emma is an eighth grader at Evansville Day School. She has been an eagle for ten years. Emma enjoys playing sports such as soccer, basketball, and especially volleyball. Emma has come out of the shadows with the help of our loving Day School community and the Middle School SLC. Here is an overview of how SLC has helped Emma become the person she is today. Have you ever been in charge of an entire middle school? Well, Student Leadership Council...

What E-D-S Means to Me

Nate Phillips, an EDS Junior, has been an Eagle for 14 years. In his time being a lifer, Nate has not only grown up - but has flourished as a student, person, and athlete. Sports are a vital part of Nate’s life; being a part of Day School’s Varsity soccer, basketball, and golf teams. Here is his reflection on the influence being an EDS student athlete has had on his life thus far: E - Excellence  I have always strived to be the best, especially...

Class Thank You

It doesn’t feel real. Today is my last day of high school classes. On May 20th, I’ll be handed my diploma and officially move on to the next chapter. On top of this life-changing moment, I am given the opportunity to give a speech thanking everyone who has helped me along the way while throwing in some words of advice. The only issue is I have a time limit and too many people to thank, meaning I might have to say “thank you to my class.’ However...

The Big Apple

When New York City was announced as a 2022 Intersession Opportunity, I was thrilled. New York has been a dream destination of mine ever since middle school, and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to spend time with my friends in what seemed like such a magical place. It had been three years since I had participated in an intersession trip, with COVID altering the world for two years, and I think I was the first person who submitted their check...

Three Day School Students Selected for 2022 High School Art Show

Every year, the Evansville Museum hosts a High School Art Show that showcases the best pieces of art from around the entire Southern Indiana region. Art teachers submit pieces of artwork from Grades 9-12 to the museum; a panel of jurors then judge the work and choose approximately 110 pieces of art that they deem worthy of displaying. Being chosen out of the vast pool of artwork is considered to be a huge accomplishment. This year, Upper School...

March Madness: Analyzing EDS Basketball Heading Into Sectionals

Recently, Evansville Day School Basketball has been the talk of the school. Let’s take a look at Tyler Myers’ journey to the top of the school’s all time scorers and break down the Eagles’ Sectional draw. Can the Eagles defend their Sectional title?    The Race to 2,238 points The day was February 14. The Eagles were playing Tecumseh in Heekin Gymnasium. It’s the fourth quarter, and Tyler Myers has 30 points on the night. He needs one more to...

Embracing the Eagle

Sophomore Trista Browning never envisioned joining the EDS cheerleading team. However, after hearing how fun cheer was last year, Browning decided to give it a shot. Instead of taking on a traditional cheerleading role, she decided to embrace the role of Day School’s mascot, “Ed the Eagle,” to best showcase her school spirit. Lacking a consistent person dedicated to playing the mascot, Browning felt that she could fill the void. Her amazing...

3 Things I'd Tell My Freshman Self

There’s nothing easy about surviving high school. You are constantly changing social groups while trying to find your true identity, trying to balance schoolwork and extracurriculars, and contemplating if your current taste in music is actually cool or not. Furthermore, I’ve had to navigate high school in a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic. Simply put, high school can be a struggle. There are so many moving parts that it’s so easy to find yourself...

That's Me In The Spotlight

I never planned on acting in any of the school musicals. I had been intrigued by acting when I was little, but I slowly became disinterested in it. When I became old enough to perform in the plays, I didn’t participate because I thought that it was something I wouldn’t enjoy. Do I remember the name or plot of the play? No, but I remember thinking that it sounded very boring. Therefore, I decided to focus on basketball or whatever hobby I had in...

Day School Build Leaders Through Its Innovative Student Leadership Council

Implemented in 2019, Evansville Day School’s Student Leadership Committee, or SLC, allows for every student to have a voice in deciding the events, clubs, community service initiatives, culture, and outreach efforts of the Upper School. Now in its third year, the SLC is starting to establish itself as a cornerstone of the Upper School’s operations. SLC is structured into five committees, each with its own specific responsibilities:  Academic,...

2021-22 EDS Basketball Preview

This is a time of great excitement as a basketball fan. The NBA’s season begins to become exciting, or disappointing depending on your team, the college basketball season commences and kicks off with some tantalizing matchup, and the 2021-22 high school basketball season starts. This year the Evansville Day School Eagles look to make a statement after their sectional championship win during the 2020-21 season.  Led by coach Gary Wilsey, the...

The College Application Experience

In May 2022, I graduate from high school and have to think about the next four years of my life. It seems surreal when I think about it. What college will I attend? What will my major be? How hard will it be saying goodbye to EDS and my friends? These are all questions that I think about as I try to fall asleep at night. Searching for the perfect college is stressful for both students and parents; when I was looking at the vast number of...

3 Things My French Project Taught Me Beyond French

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to visit a dungeon? Well, for my Parisian Monuments project in French 1, I did just that. I chose La Conciergerie, a French castle turned French Revolutionary prison, for my project piece because I thought that the building was beautiful and I wanted to encourage people to go to this amazing overseen part of French history. The assignment required me to make a packet, model, and presentation for a...


The time is 5:45 P.M. I’m still playing my tennis match almost two hours after it began. All of my teammates have finished their matches long ago and now all eyes are on me cheering me on, hoping that I can win. I’m sore, I’m tired, and I’m feeling the intense Southern Indiana heat. As I wait for my opponent to serve, I begin to question why I play tennis. Quickly, I dismiss the thought and focus on the win. Later, however, when I think about...

Pen Pal Project Connects Students with Seniors

In the midst of these trying times, many are seeking outlets of joy, peace, and normalcy amongst the chaos. Alayna Rodgers `22, chair of the SLC Community Service Committee, along with her committee members, are no exception. Throughout the pandemic, residents of nursing homes have been unable to see their families or even commune with others in their buildings for quite some time. “The isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has been...

In the Thick of It - College Admissions

The application process is many things - stressful, hectic, pressure-filled, and chaotic. Deadlines must be met. Revisions upon revisions must be made. Documents and transcripts and records must be gathered. I’m in the thick of it right now, but taking a break to share with you what today’s college application process looks like. Before the application process begins, students, usually juniors, spend time narrowing down their applications list....
