3 Things Student Leadership Council Has Taught Me

Written By: 

Emma Griffin editing by Megan Risewick


Emma is an eighth grader at Evansville Day School. She has been an eagle for ten years. Emma enjoys playing sports such as soccer, basketball, and especially volleyball. Emma has come out of the shadows with the help of our loving Day School community and the Middle School SLC. Here is an overview of how SLC has helped Emma become the person she is today.

Have you ever been in charge of an entire middle school? Well, Student Leadership Council (SLC) is a big part of my life, and this year, I am the President of Evansville Day School’s Middle School SLC. This was a big role, and I wasn’t sure that I would be ready for it. However, I had three previous years of leadership experience and being involved with SLC. This helped push me and gave me the confidence to step up to lead the Middle School. Here is what I learned in the process:

1. Confidence Is Key

SLC is more than just planning events and going out into the community. It gives people the confidence to take risks and go outside their comfort zone. This is especially true for me. I used to struggle with my confidence; however, SLC has taught me that everyone makes mistakes and it’s okay if things don’t go your way. You just need to have the confidence and courage to get through the changes. SLC helped me realize that without confidence, you will never get anywhere in life.

2. Mistakes Are Part of the Process

SLC has helped uncover my speech and public speaking skills. As president, one of my jobs is to announce events and run the Middle School meetings, where I have to stand in front of everybody and talk about the week and what big events will happen soon. It was very nerve-racking at first; however, I got used to standing in front of people and just simply talking. I’ve learned that everybody messes up, but when that happens, you just need to keep going. 

3. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

I have always been a team player, but thanks to SLC, I have developed an even stronger sense of teamwork and team building. Being in SLC allows me to work with people from all grades. This gives me new and different perspectives on things like parties and fundraisers. When I get to work with people from other grades, knowing how to be a team player is helpful. It helps you make sure everyone is included, and everyone’s ideas are heard.

All these skills will help me now and in the future. Using teamwork, speaking skills, and confidence, I will have the skills to go far in life. Teamwork will help me with group assignments and collaborating with my co-workers when I get a job. Speaking skills will help me with presentations and event proposals for high school SLC, as well as the ability to take on leadership roles and get promotions. And lastly, my newfound confidence will help me make new friends now and in the future. It will also allow me to take risks and make confident decisions in future jobs. SLC has helped me in so many ways.