Day School Teachers Present at 4C

Five Evansville Day School teachers will lead workshops at 4C of Southern Indiana’s upcoming Spring Conference, “The Adventure Awaits!” Among them, they represent four of seventeen possible workshops. The teachers each submitted a proposal for their workshops, and all were invited to be presenters.

According to their website, “For more than twenty years, 4C's Annual Spring Conference has provided professional development opportunities for child care providers in and near Southwestern Indiana. Our conference is one of the most widely attended conferences of its type in Southern Indiana and welcomes approximately 500 participants each year.” The conference will be held on Saturday, March 11 at First Christian Church in Newburgh, Indiana. Day School teacher led workshops include:


Literacy, Loose Parts, and Legos, Oh My!
Sarah Brooks, Primary School Library and Innovation Teacher
Dip your toes into learning about loose parts as we spend time interactively learning how literacy, loose parts, and Legos can fit together to enhance your classroom curriculum. This is much more than just a story stretcher! See where these elements can take you and your children as we gear up to empower them through innovation.


Sew What? Sewing with Children in Your Classroom
Alice Murphy-Galbreath, Jr. Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
Discussion and demonstrations of sewing activities for your classroom. We will be discussing both sewing by hand and using a sewing machine with children. We will also be looking at children's books that relate to sewing.


Get It Together: Preparing and Organizing Your Classroom for a Better Day
Katie Bockting, Jr. Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
If you are feeling overwhelmed by stuff, if you have no room for anything else, if your closets are so full you can't open them, then this workshop is for you! If you are feeling like your classroom needs a face-lift, this workshop is for you. Join Katie as she shares her personal journey in organizing and setting up a classroom to maximize functionality while pleasing the eyes. Your space should be a place you actually want to spend time.


PK Woodshop 101
Karen Meacham, Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
Carla Englebright, Pre-Kindergarten Teacher

Enhance your Maker Space with a woodworking shop. Learn basic tool use and safety tips that will allow you to add woodworking to your classroom centers. Project suggestions and material resource suggestions will be provided.


Evansville Day School is fortunate to have an incredibly talented preschool staff who have established themselves as leaders in the field of early childhood development in the Evansville area. Our preschool teachers do an amazing job of laying the foundation for balanced, resilient, globally minded entrepreneurial learners. As Evansville’s only independent school, we encourage their trailblazing spirit and pursuit of excellence both in and out of their classrooms.