EDS Zoology Class Awarded Vectren Grant

The Upper School Zoology class, spearheaded by Dr. Tracy Conklin, was recently awarded a grant from the Vectren Foundation to fund a $1,400 Sustainability Project Initiative.  According to Jeffrey Whiteside, President of the Vectren Foundation, the Foundation "aims to make sustainable impacts on the communities it serves through targeted giving to organizations involved in energy conservation and environmental sterwardship, community revitalization and sustainability, and education."

The Sustainability Project at Evansville Day School has students completing individual projects that will help preserve and enhance the natural environment of the Day School campus. The student-led projects are diverse, including efforts to monitor and conserve wildlife like box turtles, birds of prey, and bees, test the water quality of Pidgeon Creek, control invasive species like starlings and feral cats, improve outdoor education for the primary school, educate students and parents about outdoor safety, and pilot test a beekeeping project. The students will present the results of their projects in early May, so more information will follow, including an invitation to view the students' completed work.