The Great Mail Race

The Great Mail Race

For the second year in a row, third graders at Evansville Day School will participate in a cross curricular project called “The Great Mail Race.”

The main purpose of the Great Mail Race is to develop the understanding that although we are far apart in distance, we all share commonalities.  Students will learn how to compose a friendly letter, and apply paragraph writing skills learned at the beginning of the school year. Next, we will fill out a survey about our school and community.  We will then mail our letters and surveys to find out information about other schools across the United States.  It will be interesting to see what life is like in other areas of our country, and to build on knowledge gained during  our Social Studies research unit: The Five Regions of the United States.  In addition, this is a real life way to practice letter writing and an opportunity to pull  Science, Geography, Technology, research and more into one fun class project.

We are so excited to send our letters and are looking forward to receiving responses..  If you know anyone in third grade in another state, please encourage them to fill out this survey.

Who will we hear from first?