One Book One Community
At Evansville Day School, we value opportunities to encourage our students to be globally minded and connected to the larger community. As a summer reading project, Upper School students read the book, Where Am I Eating by Indiana author Kelsey Timmerman. This book is also the featured One Book One Community 2016 read, sponsored by the Evansville Public Library (EVPL). Students will have a unique opportunity on Wednesday, September 21 to hear Timmerman speak at the EVSC Technology Center, bringing their reading experience full-circle.
Teacher Marjan LaGrange says, “In Kelsey Timmerman’s book Where Am I Eating, he introduces the reader to the farmers and fishermen who produce the food imported and consumed by Americans. By working alongside these laborers, Timmerman relates firsthand how our consumerism affects the lives of some of the world’s most underprivileged producers. America’s reliance on imported food has increased drastically in the last ten years. Where am I Eating raises the issues of food safety, fair trade, and workers’ rights while also highlighting the global mindedness, resilience, and responsibility found in our Portrait of a Graduate.”
With Day School parent Heather McNabb on the library’s staff and our own Head of School, Jarin Jaffee, as a EVPL board member, we are excited for the opportunity to have our students engage in this collaboration. If you are interested in learning more about Kelsey Timmerman, we hope you will attend one of EVPL’s community events, including a discussion about his journey through the global food economy on Wednesday, September 21 at 7:00 pm at the Old National Events Plaza.